
If you're reading this, it's likely you came from our TikTok page because you read the bio/saw our intro post, or noticed the link in our Twitter.Well, in any case... welcome to our account!It's pretty much written in our introduction post, but in case you missed it; we are a two-person account, and we post about Miitopia stuff. Mostly of our funny little OCs, but we make other shitposts and memes too, on occasion. So, if that's your cup of tea, feel free to stick around! Your support is so appreciated <3Everything's kind of moving along slowly, since we're busy in real life as well as developing our story. We're working as hard as we can, though! Thank you for your patience!Important links are below, as well as the new addition of the Palettopia playthrough playlist, if you were interested in that. More will be added at some point.Well, I think that's all for now.
Thanks for reading!
- Rayne 🌦

when you come across a fiend

Hello! If you're reading this, it's likely you came from our TikTok page because you read the bio (thank you for that, by the way LOL)
(If that's not the case... how'd you find us omg)In any case... welcome to our account!Currently, all you need to know is that we are a two-person account, and we post about Miitopia stuff. Mostly of our funny little OCs, but we make other shitposts and memes too, on occasion. So, if that's your cup of tea, feel free to stick around! Your support is so appreciated <3Everything's still kind of under construction right now, since we're busy in real life alongside developing our story. Thank you for your patience!Well, I think that's all for now.
Thanks for reading!
- Rayne 🌦